What might a Cosmopolitan Globalist scented candle smell like? Democracy? Free inquiry?

Teen Spirit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg

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I would like more podcasts, be they lectures or debates. I do a fair amount of driving and to be able to download to MP3 and listen in the car would be excellent.

The historical tours would be good as videos. Time zones and all that.

Dinner and drinks would be the best, but the most challenging to pull off. If you're ever in Seattle or Portland, OR ...............................

Maybe someday a Cosmopolitan Cruise?

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What I would like is more articles from Adam Garfinkle. Do you think you could get him to commit to writing one article per month?

It would also be interesting if the topic of the essays expanded beyond mere politics, science and economics to hear the views of your writers on cultural issues. As an American I’ve always wondered about how some of the cultural issues so hotly debated in the United States are viewed in Europe or Asia, if they are debated there at all.

Many of your readers, Claire, including me, were fascinated by your take on the “Me Too” movement as articulated in this essay,


It would be a shame if you viewed a discussion of these issues as beyond the scope of the new website.

Finally, one good thing about this place is that not only are the essayists good, but many of your readers make interesting and provocative comments. It might be interesting to provide a space for your readers to make recommendations about what they themselves are reading.

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You know, don't you, that I posted an extended subscribers-only essay about #MeToo here? https://claireberlinski.substack.com/p/the-years-of-living-hysterically

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