

Here is the link to Project Hope run by several TO police officers at the Toronto Police Service who were born in Afghanistan.

I think there is a place there for recent newcomers to contact.


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And, let’s try to find or create the antonym of paranoia..

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If high school education for this family in the next year or two is an issue, please contact me. I have some ideas.

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I bought a car today from two nice Afghan men. When my husband mentioned "our Afghan family," they wanted to send along their sincere thanks to each of you who has cared for their countrymen in their absence. Neither had been back home in many years, and they seemed genuinely touched when I told them our readers had given generously and joyfully to support "our" family.

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I'm glad. Thanks for telling me. What kind of car did you get?

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I am with Gregory. Delighted to help.

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I'm sorry I didn't see the post about this family earlier but fortunately not to late to donate a little money to help them out. This administration disgracefully abandoned thousands of our Afghani allies in its haste to exit the war. I'm happy I could make a little difference.

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Claire - re: JIAS - you may be remembering an exchange during the last ME 201 session, someone asked if JIAS was the same as HIAS, and I think there may have been a question or comment about contributions. That's why you can't find it in written form. I think.

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