Thank you for signaling the clarion call, Claire. I’m amazed by the number of people who think it’s a hoax, a joke, or just won’t get them.

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I don't share your opinions on expertise. Much of what Trump has said, came from expertise. The million tests in a week? From a deputy director of CDC. Testing? The FDC screwed that up when they allowed only the CDC to distribute tests which did not work. And now? 4-5 days to get the tests back, even though a private company in South Korea developed an automatic test through artifical intelligence quickly. Our bureaucratic structure couldn't respond fast enough. My critique? He is not the man to restructure the federal government in ways that need to be done.

Dr. Fauci says Trump listens.

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And another observation: The Asian city-states and country have a more hierarchical structure in which the population is more likely to obey than in the States and Western world. I can identify people's occupation and education by either they're an artist or economist through how they argue and react. Lots of of artists losing their minds out there.

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Several factors: Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan have much stronger central governments. Taiwan is barely a generation past essentially martial law. Singapore is notably draconian. Japan's PM may order anything the people and parliament will tolerate. South Korea has never balked at using the police and military to enforce a government dictate. I'd rather say that federal republics respond at convoy speed.

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