As an introvert, I’m thriving during self-isolation. Thank you for the updates. I’m friends with many restaurateurs, and I feel horrible for them. Either close up and go under, or stay open and become a petri dish. One of the local Irish pubs has been so victimized by city “improvement” projects that have driven off business, that they rely on “St. Patrick’s Season” to stay open the rest of the year. A bad March means shutting the doors. There’s no making it back in August and September or whenever restrictions are lifted.

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"Hygiene is essential"

I religiously follow the hygienic principle of Will Penney, rephrased for the season: I had a bath last fall before the winter set in, and I'll likely have another after this spring has advanced a bit more.

Re sneezing, etc: I still have room on my shirt sleeve cuffs.

And the Pangolins are OK if you first bite their heads off and microwave/cook them thoroughly. The only raw meat that needs eating is seared steak.

"Remember: any new power you give the state goes to Donald Trump, and Ivanka will inherit it. "

Orders of magnitude of orders of magnitude better than Clinton, Pelosi, Schumar, Biden, Sanders, any of some freshman Congresswomen, etc inheriting.

Eric Hines

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I giggled through it all. "our employee" and yes I'm locked down, although in a house with a deck in the backyard and stairs to do my workout. my roommate said I am confined to the property until further notice...

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