Thank you for this delightful lagniappe! Unfortunately, I would have to study for this game harder than I do for Middle East 101, so maybe next year. 😊

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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!

My son was born on Thanksgiving day 17 years ago, so we always have that reason to be thankful.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving! But I admit I am relieved that, like Christmas, this is not something we do.

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I'd be lying if I said that the Ottoman Empire wasn't a subject of conversation over dinner...

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Just don’t complain about the bouzouki player!

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Name that cheese? Hell, there are very few foods I can name even in general.

Beef. Vegetable--except that's not food, that's what food eats, as even an alien philosopher understands.

I can break down the beef, sort of. Roast. Hamburger. Steak.

There is the Critical Item that is the only suitable desert food: mint chocolate chip ice cream. Too limited a population, though, for any desert naming games. And any accent is suitable, so long as it gets the mint chocolate chip ice cream delivered.

Beyond that, my attitude toward food is capsuled in the mantra, "Over the teeth and past the gums, look out, stomach, here it comes." Chewing on the way by is optional.

In any event, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm particularly thankful for my wife and daughter and SIL and grandkids, and our extended family.

And it's not a true Hines dinner without discussions of politics and economics, and associated fisticuffs.

Eric Hines

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A friend plays a variation named "Cheese or disease" when you can have one form either category. To make it more challenging you do it in rotating alphabetical order

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Oooh. That's advanced.

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My family likes to play "Antidepressant or Tolkien elf." It's very difficult!

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Nobel prize winner or Serial Killer...

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