I'm sorry, my friend. It's a dreaded moment for all cat fanciers. Wendy Maier-Zucker had to put one of her long-time companions down yesterday. My heart breaks for both of you as I watch my one and only-ever dog Sam--with an enlarged heart and stage three kidney disease and crippling arthritis--accelerate toward the inevitable. Will we rescue more creatures in need of comfort? Will we risk more of our own heartbreak so that they might know love in a world not always kind to those who can't articulate, "Please help me?" Probably. It's who we are and it's what we do. <3

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Aug 9Liked by Claire Berlinski

Hi Claire, I’m very sorry for your loss. I still have the scar Féline left on my arm. I treasure the mark she left on me. ♥️

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Did she get you that badly? What did you *do* to her? Did you *offend* my sainted cat?

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Not badly at all, don’t think she even drew blood! I think she was just trying to be affectionate 🤗

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I'm so, so sorry, friend.

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Aug 8Liked by Claire Berlinski

Claire, my heart goes out to you for all the kitty love that I imagine you must be missing right now. Your readers are privileged in that you are willing to share your sadness and wonderful memories with us. The one joyful thought I have is that from the well-springs of sadness you are able to convey the joy and love those little characters brought to you, and that is a great gift. thank you.

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Thank you. I wonder how long it will take for me to get used to this empty apartment. It feels so weird.

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

I’m so sorry. Cats are the best. 💔

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

Sending a big hug. I shared this with my girlfriend to prove I’m human. She said the highlight of her year was me bonding with a cat on holiday. I’m an amateur but your cats were lucky to have you, they live forever in your heartfelt writing.

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Thank you. xxx

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

Dear Claire, I'm so sorry for the pain you're going through. It's wonderful that you gave all those beautiful kitties a secure and loving home. Your words and photos brought them all to life. I'm glad you have so many treasured memories of your time with them. Feline was truly a gorgeous cat and she looks so affectionate and sweet. Our furry family members are hard to be without. Please take good care of yourself to begin the healing process.

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Thank you very much.

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These kind comments are more consoling than anyone who wrote them probably realizes. I'm taking great comfort in them. Thank you.

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

So sorry Claire. I love your closing lines. E

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Thank you. It's a deeply moving poem.

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

This one made me cry.

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I'm sorry. I take it you know.

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Condolences, Claire. Wonderful photos and memories. Not sure I can say anything that might provide solace, but I'll try this as a distraction. I seem to recall that you were a student of Philosophy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i21OJ8SkBMQ

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Dear Claire, for some reason, the body of the post didn't come up immediately. Now that I have read your tribute to your cats, I'm moved beyond words. You write so beautifully, it rips a reader's heart open too. The pain! At least you loved deeply. That's a blessing but comes at a price. Thinking of you!

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Thank you.

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You are courageous! ♥️👌🫂

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Not hardly. If I could have done *anything* to avoid feeling like this, I would have.

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But then you would have loved less and that was not an option. Time...

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

A beautiful tribute to your cats, and thanks for the photos of the adorable.

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

I’m so sorry Claire. A beautifully written tribute, and reflection on the meaning of our human partnership with cats (and by extension, doggos).

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Thank you.

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Aug 7Liked by Claire Berlinski

I've told mine to watch out for Féline, make her feel welcome, protect and cherish her.


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Thank you so much.

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