I have actually disagreed with the Cosmopolitan Globalists for a long time that the US is the ONLY country that can end the pandemic. I do think trying to end the pandemic without the US i.e. just relying on vaccine supply chains predominately in the EU and some other countries is profoundly risky, dangerous, and stupid, however, it appears the Biden Administration actually wants to try to "test" this possible option. I guess the question I have for other Americans is what exactly is the benefit for America in doing this. If the rest of the world is somehow able to take care of this on their own a certain degree of what Madeline Albright used to call "the indispensable" nation will be gone never to return.

In conclusion, I do feel as if the clock is ticking. If Biden at the 11th hour releases the vaccines for export I sure many including even CG's like Claire and Vivek might praise "America to the rescue" but by then I am not sure the facts on the will warrant such a conclusion in fact we might have already passed this point.

**I guess a corollary is if up to this point the world had only relied on the United States without the EU we would actually all probably be dead by this point so perhaps one might say the European Union is the only entity at least keeping most of us still alive.

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Honestly, your description of the political environment in India makes the US sound like we're at an Oxford debate. This is terrifying. How the hell are rational voices supposed to penetrate that maelstrom of disinformation and political framing of every issue? We can't do that (see below) and we're not nearly as bad off.

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The unfortunate answer is that rational voices usually don’t.

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Meanwhile, China, where the virus originated has Covid under control and is watching it economy expand again at near double figure rates.

While all this is happening, Joe Biden is announcing new controls on green house gas emissions which will end up crippling the American economy. China, which pays little more than lip service to climate change, is poised to absorb most of the economic growth that the United States will abandon in the name reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

With India in the midst of a vicious pandemic, Europe in an unrelenting economic funk and the United States adopting policies which will force hundreds of thousands of non-college educated workers onto the unemployment rolls, the leaders in China probably can’t believe their luck.

The Democratic world, including the United States, Europe and India, is in the process of committing suicide.

The Chinese, on the other hand are licking their chops.

Our Cosmopolitan Globalist friends are truly delusional if they think the West is better off under Biden than it would have been under Trump.

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This WigWag comment deserves no response except to acknowledge its racist nature.

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Amazing. It's an article about the effects of the pandemic in India, one that is on the steep ascent of exponential growth and claimed an estimated 2.5k people yesterday alone, and you managed to tie in Biden's climate change policy and the attempted (failed) despot of the day.

Should I be worried? It seems like a reach like that could really start pulling muscles.

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