Should you be interested, I can investigate what prospects there are for cryonic suspension of a pet in Europe.

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A half inch more and Trump would have had his head blown off, and a fair chance that by today there would be gunfire widely heard throughout... but not necessarily yet directed at specific or generalized target categories.

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So sorry Claire. As they say the hardest part of having a pet is the goodbye.

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For I will consider my Cat Jeoffrey,

For he is the servant of the living God, duly and daily serving him.

For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East he worships in his way.


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So sorry about Feline, Claire. We will be losing Teddy soon and i think about him not being there when i get home. I had no idea Graham Nash was a cat lover.


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No cats here (at least not since about 1972 when my (then) girlfriend gave me the firstborn of her cat's one and only litter.

Big yellow Tom, name of Morgan.

Went to live with my parents as I couldn't have pets in the apartment I'd been renting.

Lot's – LOTS – of dogs though since, all rescues.

All Scotties save for the last, a Cairn name of Sadie.

She passed last year, from cancer.

I'd noticed a weeping sore on her right side abdomen one evening, she'd been showing no overt symptoms but then with a 13 year-old Cairn it's hard to tell what's normal and what's not.

About five weeks.

We have another rescue now, Yorkie name of Pip. No teeth.

Said (by the local no-kill shelter) to have been maybe twelve last year when he came to live with us. Prior abuse is obvious as he won't let me near him (or my wife) when wife's around. She's HER master, she's HIS savior and there's nothing whatsoever I can do about it... until she leaves him with me for an hour or maybe more.

Separation anxiety? Bet your bottom!

In the end, if we're lucky, they don't outlast us. I'm at an age where I don't want another pet; unwilling as I am to expect others to take care once I've gone on.

We love them, they – mostly – appear to love us back... then they're gone, like the wind.

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:-(. Hugs.

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What a beautiful, tender description of your beloved kitty. Focus your attention on her while you can. She needs to feel your love.

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Grief is the price of love

And let no one tell you what you have with that 3 legged girl isn’t love

Hope you can take them time to spend good times together. That the vet calls back

Mine I had to call. Again and again. Like in a parable if you hassle them enough they will answer

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The price, right now, seems too high. I'm glad I saved their lives. I'll never regret that. But the past few years, with one death following on the next--it's just been so sad. I wonder, truly, if it's worth it.

Everyone who came into my apartment would exclaim that the amount of *life* in it was extraordinary. Everywhere you looked, there was a cat--purring, leaping, scratching, chattering, chasing a fly, watching you from a cat tree, rubbing your ankles. When I walked in the door, the'd all rush up to greet me, meowing happily, like a single organism. If I had a pot of cat grass or a new toy, they'd set to it with joyous abandon.

The silence and stillness of my apartment is unbearable, now. It's just me and a still, sleeping Féline, the life draining out of her as I watch.

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Just dropping a quick note to say as a fellow cat lover, I'm sorry to hear that, Claire. I hope you'll feel better.

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Take all the time you need. Your love for kitty is a manifestation of your love for what you do and what you bring to us.

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Love & peace (the real, palpable, impermanent kind) while you be with Feline!

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A 20 year old cat companion is a blessing. Take a deep breath and spend some quality time, for the last time, with your beloved kitty. (My beautiful Siamese made it to 18.)

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You can leave the hot takes to me, Claire. They're in safe hands. Now go off and take care of the important stuff.

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What a lovely and tender description of your feline companion and your relationship! May she feel relief from her discomfort soon— I hope that vet calls back without further delay! I’m so sorry you are dealing with her illness but I can tell you are giving her comfort and love. Big hugs from here in the land of madness!

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