Arenโ€™t those Ukrainian mines in the Black Sea? Put down to stop Russia taking Odessa using their amphibious what nots?

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Is it just me, or is modern media Russian overly verbose, stylistically vacuous, and pompous? Every translation I see of official or media sources doesnโ€™t even have the sound and the fury; it just means nothing. They make US State Department releases sound profound and almost terse. Itโ€™s almost as if Russian outlets have to satisfy an Eastern potentate with empty encomia and formulaic glorifications.

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I feel like the western media is really missing out by not reprinting the rambling madness of foreign propaganda outlets. Let's not forget the weird religion that is the North Korean state media.

For your entertainment: John Lithgow performing a dramatic reading of a Newt Gingrich press release:


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Nice parrot

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Incredible, no? I'm flabbergasted that he can do that without lips.

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Also: How did nature--by means of random mutation and natural selection--produce a parrot that finds it advantageous to whistle *Mozart?* Almost perfectly in tune? Why? I could watch that video in puzzlement and awe for hours.

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Fun fact: my most intelligent coworker at PetsMart when I was in college was an African Grey.

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Keeps him from being fried and served with mashed potatoes and coleslaw.

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I like Toby Young's description of Boris Johnson as not "unduly constrained by principle."

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