"Marine Le Pen and the RN remain on the extreme right. A Le Pen victory on April 24th would be an unmitigated disaster for France and Europe. I will spell out why after April 10."

Please spell that out today. First, what does "extreme right" mean to the average Parisian? I figure it means "someone who wants a bit less government than William Jefferson Clinton". Yes of course I express it in terms of American politics, because that's what I know.

Second, bullet out what's so horrible about Marine Le Pen and why it would be a disaster for France and Europe. Please and thank you.

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An interesting article, including mention that Le Pen has deployed her cats in her advertising, apparently with the hope of cornering the cat vote. She joins a proud tradition. In the sovereign state of Louisiana a GOP fundraising letter once insisted that both dead people and pets -- cats, dogs, ferrets, etc. -- might receive mail-in ballots and vote in a Senate election due to Democratic Party manipulation. In a tight race, every vote counts.

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I have to admit that I don't pay much attention to French politics, so it was interesting and a little surprising to read this and realize that France has a Trump-like Right, and that it's actually a going concern. I mean I knew about the FN, but I thought it was much fringier than it apparently is.

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