I would guess that the reason the Mauritanian folks are "happier" than Westerners is that they don't have the things causing us to be unhappy. Namely, the TV, social media, and those other things that tell us to be unhappy.

I wonder (as is my wont) if Westerners mistake lack of stress for happiness? I find myself wishing for an easier life. Then I realize "Life ain't easy, and it never has been, but it IS easier for you, whiner!" I remind myself "My happiness isn't connected to my daily strife." But there are a million signs around me telling me that I'll be happier if things were easier. Most of those signs want me to spend my money on some thing.

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Thanks for sharing. Loved your take. Can you divulge the guide service you used?

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Of course! My whole purpose in writing this--at least in my mind, as I took notes for the essay--was to send business their way. Call Sidi, https://www.instagram.com/tourmauritania/, and tell them I sent you! https://tourmauritania.com/

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You make me want to go there.

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A fantastic essay; just perfect for a Sunday afternoon!

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