There's Kant, and then there's military history. Aufklärungsabteilung happens to be the German term for "reconnaissance battalion." Just saying...

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Here’s what we learned in 2020.

The private sector unleashed, can do amazing things like developing vaccines at warp speed. What an incredible achievement. But we lucked out; had the pharmaceutical industry been billions of dollars more poorly capitalized (as it would have been had Hillary Clinton been elected and her drug pricing plan implemented) getting those vaccines developed so quickly might never had happened.

2020 also taught us that Governments throughout the Western world are profoundly incompetent. They couldn’t develop a coherent plan to protect us from the pandemic; they couldn’t implement an intelligent regulatory plan to encourage clinical trials for the vaccines (e.g no “challenge” trials); and most importantly, (with the exception of Israel), they can’t seem to get the miraculous new vaccines injected into people’s arms.

2020 proved that Western Governments are becoming increasingly bureaucratic and incompetent. “Experts” in the corporate sector seem to be able to get the job done. “Experts” in academia, journalism and Government make the keystone cops look brilliant.

None of this bodes well for 2021.

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I am very excited by all of this. 2021 is looking even brighter!

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