I am interested in reading for a connection. I would submit that Mr. Trump is a product of his times, the consummate Playboy character envisioned by Hugh Heffner. ADHD a given. I've paid attention to him since his name hit the press. I'm not a celebrity follower, there was just something worth examining. So the connection to Critical Theory will be interesting.

I vote for him because I have good reason to fear the other side if they succeed in their well-intentioned, but out of control social experiment. If they were King of the World for a day, I daresay that it would come to an end.

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I have long been a fan of an early 1990s movie called Other People's Money a movie very much a product of it's age about a ruthless NY oversexualized corporate "raider" played by Danny Devito that liquidates underperforming companies that are often producers of old obsolete industrial products that can be made far cheaper in Asia. Now at first one would say well obviously Trump is the real life version of Devito's character Lawrence Garfield or Larry the Liquidator. I would counter absolutely not if there was ever a real life political version of Lawrence Garfield it would be Charles De Gaulle or "Charlie the Liquididator" for liquidating the "underperforming" French region of Algeria. Trump or even the notorious Manchester Liberal Margaret Thatcher would never thrown their "own people" under the bus and liquidate them out of existence. Thatcher would never have liquidated the Ulster Irish or Falkland Islanders even if that was the most economically sound thing to do. Thatcher could look tough taking on coal miners but coal miners were always Labour party supporters. Trump is similar in his preference for "his" people.

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As long as I'm in "preacher" mode: Another hint: quit looking for the keys where the lights are and start looking for them where they were lost.

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Here is my "theory" (it's actually not mine): ראשית חכמה יראת השם The starting point of all wisdom is the Fear of God. As the fear of God has disintegrated in the USA over the last 60 years, so wisdom has disintegrated with it. Maimonidies begins his magnum opus, The Mishneh Torah with the words: "The foundation of all foundations and the pillar of all wisdom is the knowledge of the existence of God." Foundation of foundations is clear but why "the pillar of all wisdom"? Without a clear awareness of God's existence and presence, all human wisdom (not IQ) crumbles. After finally electing a black President, the issue he was most passionate about was to make sure men (who wished they were women) could relieve themselves in a women's toilet. Shockingly enough, men (who pretend they are women) dominate the "women's" sporting events in which they compete. This is actually seen as a sign the we are "progressing". The Democratic Candidate for President of the United States is a hack in the early stages of dementia (a new children's tale: The Emperors New Dementia) who creepily likes to fondle women and little girls. Do you need more to conclude that "wisdom" has gone down the drain in the USA? Do you really expect enlightenment on the situation from an atheistic buffoon like Daniel Dennett? The strangest of all: A brilliant young lady is obsessed with the notion that one of the biggest problems facing America is Donald Trump as President. Are you actually still waiting for a Philosopher King to appear on the horizon? Your words and thoughts are most definitely Invariably Interesting, but what vision are you offering Claire? What world do you want us to embrace? I'm certain your Dad , as usual, has brilliant insights on the problem; but I'm doubtful he has a vision or a solution to offer either.Very clear to me: It's either a return and renewal of our devotion, allegiance and subservience to God and his principles as he has taught and commanded us, or (if I may narcissistically quote my own book) "we are doomed to spiral into the amoral hell of the man-made human jungle." Rosh Hashanah in a few weeks, the anniversary of the Creation of the first human with a Godly soul; therefore the day when all mankind is judged. wishing us all a favorable judgement and a sweet new year. sincerely, your pen pal, Moshe

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Aug 26, 2020Liked by Claire Berlinski

More on postmodernism, please! Your observation about the cynicism about truth and facts (rooted in postmodernism) and flowering under Trump seems fair. Until recently, I have only vaguely understood the influence of postmodernism on current affairs — on our culture and our politics (and I still have much to understand about that influence) and I still know little about the principles or philosophy behind postmodernism and critical theory. I have started to read Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay’s new book (“Cynical Theories”) and, thus far, it is illuminating. Six months ago, I never would have imagined digging into this subject to the degree I have — but there you have it. It’s 2020.

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Really interesting. Look forward to the next instalment from Mr Berlinski.

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