I’m torn. Global Eyes? Or an explanation of what just happened in France? (If ou haven’t been paying attention: The government fell. Everyone’s lathered up about it.)
Tell me what’s more important to you—you have an hour, while I finish my coffee and the crossword—and I’ll set myself to work.
You know more about Feance than the vast majority of your readers. Your take on the collapse of the Government would be invaluable. My suggestion would be to not focus exclusively on the current turmoil; the press is full of that type of information. What nobody tells us is why this turmoil has occurred and what the prospects are for overcoming it. Does France have a future as a consequential world power or has its time passed? For this loyal reader, at least, your thoughts on that would be very welcome.
The most important thing to me—by a long shot—is what I call GLIDE: Global LIberal DEmocracy. This encompasses not just America, Canada, etc., and "western" Europe, but South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, etc. It is a global culture/civilization that transcends nation states.
There is a scene in "The Exorcist" when the old priest (played by Max von Sydow) shows up, and the younger priest, a psychiatrist, says something like, "I've observer three different personalities . . .". And the old priest cuts him off and says, "There is only one personality" (to wit, the Devil's).
Just so, we need to wake up to the fact that there's not a war in Ukraine, and a war in Gaza, and a war in Syria. There is only one war: the war against global liberal democracy by four countries that have—in the words of Zbigniew Brzeziński—"complementary grievances" against the west. This is what we need to focus on.